To My Dearest Not-So-Little Brother, Congratulations!

10:00 PM

   I remember when mommy & daddy told us that we were going to have a baby brother. We were living in Hawaii at the time, and I don't think I quite grasped the concept of a little guy like you growing inside of mommy, but I do know that I was excited. I remember being in the car and I think your Kuya and I were watching Dennis the Menace that day, and we thought it would be funny to call you that. I feel like that kind of got lost in translation along the way with how you actually came to have your name, but I'm almost 100% certain that we came up with it (regardless of what mom thinks) in the car. I also remember thinking that mom was like a kangaroo, because she held you in her belly, and that's how we came up with calling you Joey instead. (Also, pretty sure this is how that came to be.)
  You were a fat baby. You came out as a toddler for sure. I remember having to stay at our auntie's house, and we were watching Veggie Tales when they got the call that you had been born. When I first met you, you were almost as big as my entire upper body. You were so chunky, and so cute with your little conehead. That was a pretty popular movie at that time, so we had the most fun calling you conehead. Growing up with you was the most fun I'd ever had. I think the relationship we had as kids is something that I want my future kids to have with each other.
  When you started walking, there was never a time that you weren't with us at the playground with Lola. Back in Hawaii, I just remember dragging you around outside because you were too heavy for me to pick up. It didn't help that you drank almost a gallon of milk each night... In the afternoons, Lola would put you in your duyan (a bassinet) that hung in our patio, and we'd sit there and watch you sleep. Then when you'd wake up, we would play in our own little octagon, and laugh when you couldn't get out. It was our way of running away from you when you got too annoying to play with. I guess as we grew up, we finally found our own little groups of friends, and we both started dating so our worlds kind of separated.
  I think my biggest regret is not being able to spend more time with you while I was at home. I know we're both in our little spheres of life with our special ones, but know that you were my very first best friend. The relationship that you and I have had as brother and sister was much stronger than the relationship I had with your Kuya. And I know that there's a lot of stuff that plays into why you and I are so close, but even before everything, I know that I was inside playing with you more than I was outside playing with other kids my age.

  When I sit on my couch, there are times that I find myself thinking of how many blanket forts we'd made with it. The times where we would take our papasan chair and make a giant "kingdom" where you were my little puppy, and I'd feed you fruit snacks in a bowl. I wish I knew where those home videos were, because if I could show everyone you wagging your little diaper around, it'd be perfect. Or the video where you were singing Jealous by Nina or Roses by Outkast! Oh, you really loved those songs when you were younger...

  Now you're all grown up... I feel like it was just yesterday when you were telling me that you liked a girl for the very first time. I feel like it was just yesterday that you walked to school by yourself for the very time. When I look back at everything that you've accomplished in your first 18 years of life... I just have to say that I'm so proud of you. You have remained resilient, and you've grown into a young man that still has a lot to learn! If there are any pointers that I could give you as you transition from childhood to adulthood, it would this:

  • Don't let anything keep you from achieving your goals - You're young and you've got a mind that's curious. Don't let your curiosity stop at the front door. You're well-traveled as a young adult, and you know that there's much more to the world than what you've been living in while going to high school. Don't be afraid to explore things that interest you. Don't let the comfort of living in Washington keep you there. You've got so much to learn, and so much to share.
  • You deserve everything you work hard for, so don't take for granted putting in blood, sweat, and tears into a goal - Don't get lazy, stay hungry for knowledge. Life isn't going to sit there and give you opportunities. You have to go out and make them for yourself. Do the best you can for what you want in life. 
  • Your family will always be there for you, no matter what - No matter how dumb your mistakes are, no matter how much of an asshole you can be, no matter what you do - we're always going to be here for you. I know this from first-hand experience. And even though my last name is Sison now, you know that the Ferrer clan sticks together no matter what.

  I have no doubt that you are going to be great at whatever field you decide to take on, whether it be the medical field or the engineering field. I know you'll make a great Enlisted or Commissioned Service Member if that's the route you decide to take. Just know that no matter how many pounds you can lift, or how big you think you really are... you are always going to be my baby brother, and that's how I'll see you. I'll still look past all of those muscles and beard, and see the little boy with no teeth and a bowl hair cut. Because if there is anything that I know in life, it's to guide, love, heal, and protect you.

I love you so much Joey, and congratulations on making your first big step into the adult world. I'll always be here if you need me.


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