About Me

  Hello to all you beautiful souls! I'm so happy that you've somehow managed to end up on my new blog. My name is Lynn, and I'm excited to start this adventure with you. I've been wanting to start a blog for the longest time, and I'm finally going to take myself seriously. Every day I hope to make improvements to my blog by finding my niche in the blogging world.

This is my husband. He enjoys playing video games, eating pizza rolls, and sleeping.
  I want to focus on the aspects of my life that I feel will connect me to anyone in the world. First off, I'm currently a Registered Nurse working in Europe. I'm serving in the U.S. Army, and I absolutely love my job. There is nothing that makes me happier than knowing I'm serving a population that helps defend our country. I've been an RN for over a year now, and just like in blogging, I hope that my skills grow to be the best nurse I can be.

This is our little angel, Oshwald. He enjoyed running on his wheel in the middle of the night, eating all the meal worms, and practicing acrobats on his wire cage.
  I am married to my best friend, Michael. It's been a long road for me when it comes to my love life, but I am happy to announce that I have found my very best friend in him. His silliness is what keeps me going throughout the day. He is the most motivational husband that I could ever ask for. He supports me in all the things that I decide to take head on, and is always there to pick me up when I've fallen. We have one fur baby, Okami, who is a sassy Shiba Inu. She's got more attitude in her than anyone could ever imagine. We had to say good bye to our pokey baby, Oshwald. He was our first pet hedgehog, and he is the reason we have so many animated bedtime stories. Stories that I'm sure will live on when we decide to have little humans of our own.

Our little girl is a year and a half, and she's all about tearing apart the nature in our backyard. She enjoys sunbathing, digging holes, and chasing little critters.
  My blog is going to be about a journey to creating happiness. I'm not searching for it, and neither should you. Happiness is what comes from inside you. So I hope you join me for this fun-filled adventure so we can grow together as friends, <3

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