All Hail the Capilano Suspension Bridge
6:33 PM
This bridge originates with the First Nations that inhabited the Squamish Nation, originally spelling it "Kia'palano". Kia'palano means "beautiful river" and was the name of the chief that lived in the area during the 1800s. The original bridge was made by George Grant Mackay, who had purchased 6,000 acres of the forest on both sides of the Capilano River. His original design was made of hemp rope and cedar planks.
Now the park has much more than just the suspension bridge. It includes a cliff walk, treetop adventures, a story center where you can learn about the park's history, and a "living forest" where you can enjoy nature at it's finest.

Unfortunately, we were unable to do a lot of the activities in the area because for one, we got there an hour before their closing time, and two, it started to hail on us. Personally, it was probably my fault that we had gone so late. Around this time last year, I went to the Geierlay Suspension Bridge in Germany where it was an open park without admission. The admission rate is about $43 but is $10 off when you come an hour before closing.
We were able to do the very beginning of the cliff walk, which was probably my husband's least favorite part of it, but the view of the river was amazing even with cloud cover. As soon as it started to rain, we made our way to the suspension bridge just to get a few photos. That's when all hail let loose (heh, get it?) and started to hit us pretty hard.
It was a quick trip, nothing too crazy. I do wish that we had more time and that the weather permitted, but we got some fun photos out of it. I would definitely recommend this attraction on a good day, early in the morning.