Yeah, that's my guy!

9:00 AM

  Lately, you've been the topic of all of my discussions. I couldn't think of anyone more deserving than you. You have earned this position to be able to pin on and join the Officer ranks.

  You are dedicated to your Soldiers, regardless of what they do and how they act, you are there batting for them every time. They talk about this often in the Officer realm, where you have to be there for your Soldiers, to help them, to guide them, to make sure they know what they're doing. Especially the younger Soldiers who are fresh out of high school who need a bit more guidance than others. You do just that.

  You're committed to your work. I know this has caused a few problems between us because you're constantly the last person to leave the office. "You take so long to get home! It's almost 1900!" Although I hate waiting for you, especially with the time difference, I know that you're late because you're heavily depended on at work. As an Officer should be, the first one to the office, and the last one to leave.

  You are consistent, but you change when necessary. I asked you what is one thing you expect of an Officer, and you said "someone who is consistent." Stepping up to a leadership role if daunting to say the least. You're often making decisions that can alter missions or personal lives. For the past four years that I've had to listen to you, you have remained consistent on the way that you treat your Soldiers, but you often change when necessary. I feel that you understand that every person is different, and you readjust accordingly to get what you need done.

  You are always willing to learn. Joining the ranks among the Warrants means that you will be the subject matter expert, and no one should know the job better than you. You have grown in your field of work, and you are constantly improving your skill set and knowledge base. I believe you have what it takes to help develop those subordinate to you because of this.

  Four years ago, I didn't know where life would take us, but I knew where it'd take you. I am so proud of you and all that you have achieved this far. Good luck, though I know you won't need it. Study hard, and focus. Remember that you have me and Ami cheering you on back at home. If you need help, call for the power of the Magic Quill. We all believe in you.

I love you, Michael! Congratulations on your first step!

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